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Occupational therapists work with people living with permanent and significant disability to assist them to achieve participation in everyday occupations to lead healthy and independent lives. Occupational therapists are frequently funded by the NDIS to work with a participant to achieve their goals.

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National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
The NDIS Act is the legislative document that provides the foundation for governments to work together to develop and implement the NDIS. The NDIA often refer to Section 34 of the Act – “Reasonable and Necessary Supports” when they make funding decisions.

NDIS Rules
The NDIS Rules are the legislative instruments made under the NDIS Act. They provide a more detailed operation of the NDIS and are grouped under headings including:

  • Becoming a Participant
  • Supports for Participants
  • Children
  • Nominees
  • Plan Management
  • Registered Providers of Supports
  • Protection and Disclosure of Information
  • Government Agreements

State and Territory specific Information

Whilst the NDIS is a National Scheme, there are some variances amongst the States and Territories. Refer below for information such as roll out dates, local events and location specific information.

Price Guides
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) sets price controls for some supports included in participant plans which take into account market trends, changes in costs and wage rates. These Price Guides are intended to help providers ensure that they are within the limits prescribed in the most up-to-date version for participants.

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Complex Home Modifications FAQs

OTA has developed these FAQs with the NDIA to address the number of enquiries from members about CHM assessor competencies and delays with a...

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