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Motorised Mobility Devices

Motorised Mobility Devices (V.8.1.2021)

Supporting the OT’s role in

  • assessment
  • device recommendation
  • education and training
  • the funding process
  • review and monitoring
  • supporting safe use to enhance road safety

Occupational Therapy Australia is proud to collaborate with Road Safety Victoria (Department of Transport) and other community, health, disability and industry stakeholders to bring these valuable resources to our members. The resources aim to equip OTs to deliver consistent evidence-based care for users of mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs, and to engage with other health professionals and agencies to optimise outcomes for clients and their families. Each year, over 1,000 Australians are admitted to hospital due to incidents involving mobility scooters. Road safety issues are critical to consider in assessment, training and monitoring for both the user and other community members.

For Occupational Therapists

This easy-to use guide for OTs steps through the main considerations for matching client mobility needs with a suitable device and managing the procurement and education process to support safe use.

Each step is linked to relevant resources to support clinical practice, including evidence-based assessment and training tools and communication templates for effective collaborative care.

The new consumer resources developed by the Department of Transport are also linked to the pathway steps, together with links relating to device suppliers and funding options.

Quick links to OT resources (see Guide for description of use)

Motorised Mobility Devices Webinar

Occupational therapists have an important role in assessing, advising and educating people who use, or wish to use Motorised Mobility Devices (MMDs) to support their mobility.

New consumer and clinical resources developed by Road Safety Victoria, Department of Transport in collaboration with Occupational Therapy Australia, demystify the steps involved in managing MMD interventions. The practical tools support consistent evidence-based clinical practice and facilitate client/carer/health professional communication, with the goal of supporting safe and positive outcomes for MMD users and their families.

This recorded webinar aims to motivate occupational therapists and other interested health professionals to engage in this area of practice. The session introduced the resources and demonstrated their application through practical case studies.

For Consumers

A comprehensive guide for consumers has been developed by the Department of Transport with input from topic experts and other stakeholders.

Features include practical checklists to guide decisions about suitability to use these devices, choice of device and safe use.

The main topics are also covered in a series of fact sheets to assist with client and family/carer  step by step engagement.

Quick links to consumer resources (see Guide for description of use)

This resource has been developed for Occupational Therapy Australia by Dr Marilyn Di Stefano, Road Safety Victoria in collaboration with Project Health Principal Consultant Fiona Landgren, consultant Dr Pam Ross and Kathryn Townsend from Austin Hospital Occupational Therapy Department. The primary goals of this resource are to support motorised mobility device user road safety and enhance clinical practice. More motorised mobility device resources are available from the VicRoads website: vicroads.vic.gov.au

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