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Current Issues
We are in the midst of a once in a generation change in the way health, disability and aged care services are delivered. Essentially this is a shift from block funding to a client-directed care model, with funding tailored to meet the individual’s specific needs. This shift is most noticeable at the moment in the NDIS and My Aged Care schemes.
This represents a great new opportunity for OTs but inevitably such change gives rise to problems. OTA seeks to identify these problems and propose solutions.
In developing its position on important issues, and the submissions and media releases which reflect this position, OTA actively consults with its membership, other interested groups and other peak professional bodies.
OTA’s advocacy efforts involve regular interaction with key departmental and agency figures and, when this engagement proves less than satisfactory, approaches to the relevant government minister.
What is a Submission?
Written submissions are often sought by parliamentary committees, and other bodies conducting inquiries, including but not limited to: Royal Commissions, government departments and agencies, the Productivity Commission and the offices of the ombudsman. Submissions are a means for such entities to gather evidence and opinions about a particular issue.
Submissions enable an interested party to put its case about a particular issue, and to make recommendations as to how best to address that issue.
This evidence and these recommendations may inform the committee’s final report, which itself includes recommendations about the direction government should take with respect to an issue.
OTA’s submissions are a means of informing and influencing government and other key stakeholders about issues of importance to occupational therapists and their clients.