OTs work with clients to improve the quality of life in their home environment through aids and modifications.
OTs work to improve the management of cognitive problems and challenging behaviours for those affected by acquir...
OTs work within workplaces to assist in the recovery and ongoing productivity of staff to meet the demands of the...
OTs work with people living in the community, enabling participation in everyday resulting in maximised independe...
Occupational therapists work with individuals and their carers to provide a broad, holistic skill set to pain man...
The Primary Health Network is divided into 31 individual catchments to better provide efficient and effective med...
OTA has developed these FAQs with the NDIA regarding CHM assessor competencies and delays with approvals of AT ap...
OTs often work with those in the area of occupational justice, social justice and human rights including refugee ...
OTs work with people living with a disability to achieve greater physical functionality and mental support to par...