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Policy and Advocacy Compensation Scheme October Update

OTA Calls for Review of ADL Service Fees – WorkSafe Victoria

OTA has requested that WorkSafe Victoria review and increase the service fees for occupational therapists delivering Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessments. This follows recent updates to WorkSafe's Household Help Services policy, which now allows occupational therapists to assess injured workers who are unable to perform household tasks for more than 12 weeks. While OTA welcomes these positive changes, we raised concerns that the current ADL fee structure undermines the intended benefits, potentially limiting access to these essential services. We have since received a response from WorkSafe inviting OTA to further discuss the current ADL process and fee structure.

Certificates of capacity – Return to Work Victoria

OTA has called for an amendment to the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 to allow occupational therapists to issue certificates of capacity. Currently, only physiotherapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths are authorised to do so under section 167(2)(b). OTA argues that occupational therapists are ideally positioned to certify a worker’s ability to work due to their expertise in functional capacity assessments. This change would streamline processes within the WorkSafe scheme, reducing the need for injured workers to seek additional certifications from other health professionals. We have since received a response from WorkSafe who have informed us that they have been approached by other peak bodies requesting recognition to certify capacity and that they are open to meeting to discuss opportunities to put forward suggestions for further legislative amendments.

OTA will continue to keeps members updated in this space. 

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