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Policy and Advocacy Aged Care Update 26 November

Support at Home Caps on Home Modifications 

OTA has written to Minister Wells to raise concerns about the inadequacy of the current $15,000 lifetime cap on home modifications under the new Support at Home program. This cap, which is expected to cover the combined costs of clinician and building professional time and the modifications themselves, is insufficient to address the evolving needs of older Australians wishing to remain at home. 

The inadequate funding poses significant risks to older individuals' health, well-being, and independence, potentially undermining their ability to age in place safely and comfortably. The capped funding also fails to account for the rising costs of materials and labor, further limiting the scheme's effectiveness. 

OTA has urged the government to reconsider its approach to funding home modifications by increasing the lifetime cap to a level that better aligns with the real costs and supports older Australians to live independently in their own homes. 

We will continue to update our members in this space. 

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