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OTA disappointed at continued NDIA price freeze

Last Friday the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) published its 2022-23 Annual Pricing Review Report, and announced there will be no change to the ‘Therapy Supports’ NDIS item price limit for 2023, which remains at $193.99. OTA is disappointed with the outcome which will continue to freeze pricing for occupational therapists who bill under the NDIS Pricing Guide.

OTA has heard from members about the impact of the price freeze, which is now in its 4th year, coupled with inflationary pressures including rising staffing and rent costs, and the costs of registration and auditing, which are impacting business sustainability and provider wellbeing. OTA made a submission to the NDIA Pricing Review which advocated for a minimum 18% increase for fees, to address the disparity between the four year price freeze, and inflation over the same period. OTA supported this with evidence of the increased costs that OTs are experiencing in paying for staffing, rents, travel, and registration and compliance costs for registered providers, across small and large practices. OTA also highlighted the fact that OTs provide complex supports to NDIS participants, and undergo a high burden of administration, compared to services delivered under other state and federal health and compensation schemes.

The price freeze is particularly concerning given that NDIA’s own report notes that other schemes have recently indexed fees, and that providers are experiencing impacts from increased business costs, and registration costs. Read a summary of pricing changes here. You can access the NDIA Pricing Review Final report on this page.

OTA is continuing to advocate for pricing improvements that will ensure quality and sustainable OT services under the NDIS. OTA is engaging with the current NDIS Independent Review, which is now examining the structural approach to NDIS pricing (not current pricing rates). Read more on OTA’s work and how you can have your say here.

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