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Latest Update from VicRoads: COVID-19

Please find below information about VicRoads service provisions considering the revised Victorian restrictions.

VicRoads coronavirus (COVID-19) update dated 6 August 2020

In line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government has announced that

  • Melbourne has moved to Stage 4 restrictions and,
  • Regional Victoria (including the Mitchell Shire) has moved to Stage 3 restrictions.

All Victorians must wear a mask when they leave home, unless an exception applies. Restrictions are in place to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and save lives. For more information visit the Department of Health and Human Services website.

Impact on VicRoads’ operations
We have received advice from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions that VicRoads is categorised as an essential service under the Public Industry and Safety sector of the government’s Stage 4 Industry Restrictions framework. VicRoads will continue to provide our services to our partners and the public. We have re-suspended drive tests, computer-based tests and medical review tests across Victoria, with the exception of priority tests conducted under our existing hardship criterial.

All our Customer Service Centres across the state remain open, offering limited services. Our call centre and digital channels continue to operate us usual. Please keep checking our website for updates on the changes we’re making within metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria to reflect the new restrictions.

Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments
VicRoads is postponing requests for occupational therapy driving assessments (OTDAs) for all customers throughout Victoria.

Where customers are required to undertake an occupational therapy driving assessment, we may defer their assessment for a minimum period of 3 months and provide them a 'conditional licence' with restrictions, while waiting for their on-road assessment.  This will be based on a case-by-case assessment of their road safety risk profile. Examples of conditional licence restrictions include: 

  • a driving radius from home
  • no freeway driving
  • no night driving.

If the customer has previously been issued with a conditional licence with restrictions, these conditions will remain until they undertake and pass the occupational therapy driving assessment, following the easing of restrictions.

VicRoads will contact customers when requests for occupational therapy driving assessments resume, in line with the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer. If you have completed an off-road assessment but cannot complete an on-road assessment at the current time, please submit your off-road assessment results to Medical Review as this will support our risk assessment process. If your customer has previously been contacted by VicRoads requesting an occupational therapy driving assessment, we recommended you or your customer contact VicRoads to seek an extension of the due date.

Occupational Therapists will need to carefully consider whether they provide Occupational Therapy Driving Tests to existing customers at this time. According to advice from DHHS, all Victorians are strongly advised to stay at home at this time. Additionally, your customers should be making informed decisions about engaging with any service provider and must adhere to the requirements outlined on the Department of Health and Human Services website.

We encourage you to carefully consider all relevant Victorian Government advice to decide whether you may continue to operate.

Driving Lessons
As at 6.8.20, DHHS provides clear information about driving lessons only for Regional Victoria. Note that currently there are differences between Melbourne Metro and Victorian regional locations in relation to driving lessons as Melbourne Metropolitan is in Stage 4 and Victorian Regional is in Stage 3 restrictions. Always check for up to date information. Regional location information about driving lessons: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/travel-regional-victoria-covid-19#can-i-leave-my-house-to-take-a-driving-lesson

Addressing your questions
We encourage OTs to contact VicRoads Medical Review if they have any further questions or concernsWe thank you for your patience as we work through the implications of these changes. We will keep you updated as we have more to share.

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