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Applications Now Open: OTA WFOT Program Approval Committee

Do you want to contribute to supporting the education standards of OTs across Australia?

The Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) – World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Program Approval Committee is the group responsible for determining, based on advice received from the Occupational Therapy Council, the WFOT approval status of entry-level education programs. It also operates as a reference/advisory group to provide comment on program accreditation/approval activity relevant to the Association.

Applications are now being sought for two postitions on the OTA - WFOT Program Approval Committee.

Outlines of Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Attend 4–5 meetings per year.
  • Receive and review accreditation reports to determine if the program meets the standards for approval required by WFOT.
  • Advise (via reports to the CEO) the Board of Occupational Therapy Australia of the WFOT approval status awarded to a program.
  • Receive complaints and concerns about WFOT approval status and operate as the first line of appeals for programs/institutions which are disputing a WFOT approval decision.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Members of the committee must be and remain members of OTA.
  • Applicants should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the WFOT and AHPRA Accreditation standards.
  • Applicants should be able to demonstrate involvement in accreditation processes that would enable them to be able to be an accreditor.
  • Applicants should provide information on any potential, actual or real conflicts that would exist should they become a member of this committee. 

How to Apply

Members are to send their applications through to psadmin@otaus.com.au and include a CV and 300-500 word EOI outlining your relevant skills and experience to the roles and responsibilities of the committee and committee members. 

Applications close 27 September 2020.

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